Providing fast and automated pretreatment beam check without phantom or hybrid plan
Based on the use of EPID (Electronic Portal Imaging Device), EPIbeam is a web-based software to check external radiotherapy beams in pretreatment conditions.
EPIbeam automatically compares two images expressed in terms of absolute dose: 1) a predicted dose map calculated from the RT Plan; 2) a measured image acquired by an EPID and converted into a dose-to-water map.
Prior to the patient’s first fraction, it ensures the right dose delivery, correct MLC & machine functioning and integrity of data transfer.
It drastically reduces the time spent on beam controls compared to phantom-based methods, making the systematic pretreatment controls now possible!

User-friendly Dashboard
- Instant and automatic results, anytime and anywhere
- Drill-down QA outcome display & pass/fail statuses
- Intuitive navigation with task assistance pictograms
To-Do-List Management & Update Notifications
- Quick setting of control protocols for new plans
- Real-time follow-up of control progress
- Final control status approval
Customization of Pretreatment Controls
- Multi-criteria indicators: gamma-index, absolute and relative dose difference, histogram
- User-defined tolerances
- Predefined and customizable control protocols
Smart and Vendor-neutral Workflow
- Smart portal image acquisition without phantom
- No calculation of hybrid plan
- Automatic dose comparison and workflow
- Compatibility with any LINAC, EPID, TPS and R&V
* Product distributed exclusively by Elekta