After working at Institut Gustave Roussy between 1986-2002, Hanna Kafrouni, PhD in Medical Physics, became founder, Chief Executive Officer and President of DOSIsoft. He was specifically involved in the development of the ISOgray Treatment Planning System.
In 2016, Hanna Kafrouni nominated Marc Uszynski as the new Chief Executive Officer to manage our growing company. Still President of our company, Hanna Kafrouni is currently working on ambitious projects involving Big Data, Medical Imaging, and Radiomics, with the aim to improve Cancer treatments.
Our Supervisory Board is composed of Gustave Roussy Transfer representative and 3 independent Directors with extensive experience in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. DOSIsoft is regularly sharing experience and receiving advice from renown Physicists and Radiation Oncologists from French and Belgian centers, as well as scientists from the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the French National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics (INRIA), Institut Curie and Gustave Roussy. DOSIsoft also works with and participate in numerous events or programs of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria.
Hanna Kafrouni
Founder & President -
Marc Uszynski
Chief Executive Officer -
François Husson
Scientific Director -
Jean-Christophe Diaz
R&D Director -
John Seddo
Director, Global Customer Services -
Philippe Lu
Sales Director (Europe, Asia, Oceania) -
Jérome Lafon
Sales Manager (France & Africa) -
Jean-Elie Kafrouni
CEO - Americas -
Xiaolu Chen
Marketing Manager