- December 8, 2023
- Category: What's New

December 8, 2023 – Elekta’s Online Magazine – Swiss clinics use of secondary dose check delivers confidence in online adaptive RT
The Hôpital Riviera-Chablais (HRC), (Rennaz, Switzerland) – one of three centers participating in a pilot program for the new ThinkQA Secondary Dose Check solution, considered the software as an ideal solution for dose verification in the online adaptive workflow and found its key benefits are speed, accuracy and simplicity.
Besides, ThinkQA SDC has satisfied all key requirements, ensuring a streamlined workflow, safe patient treatments and compliance with AAPM recommendations – contributing significantly to the confidence of Hôpital Riviera-Chablais physicists. It helps the Rennaz team verify – in just a few minutes – that the TPS-calculated dose distribution is consistent with plan parameters and confirm the plan is acceptable.
“With Elekta Unity, we’re providing patients with the most advanced, personalized radiotherapy possible,” Dr. Pisaturo says. “Having a secondary dose calculation solution that is precise, fast and easy to use in the Elekta Unity online adaptive workflow has been extremely beneficial for department productivity and for our patients.”
Read the complete article and know how the Suisse clinic’s physicists accomplish this task with ThinkQA Secondary Dose Check, a web-based software specifically adapted for use with the Elekta Unity MR-Linac, considering the cryostat transmission and magnetic field effects on the dose.