- March 16, 2023
- Category: What's New

“We are convinced that the breakthrough technological advances will make it possible in the near future to treat people with cancer based on ‘who’ they are, and not only ‘where’ their cancer is located.” says Marc Uszynski, CEO at DOSIsoft.
Over the past few decades, the technology and delivery of radiotherapy treatments – either External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) or Internal Molecular RadioTherapy (MRT) – have rapidly advanced. In consequence, cancer patient concerns have evolved with a focus on individualization of cancer treatment and thus mandatory patient-specific quality assurance (QA). In this momentum, DOSIsoft strives to contribute to RT industry progress and bold changes. DOSIsoft collaborates closely with its unique network of “best-in-class” – a whole ecosystem with clinical, scientific, academic, and industrial partners – to help the RT medical community meet and exceed current standard practices and regulatory requirements related to dose delivery verification. Rooted in its “dosimetry” software expertise and in line with its “patient-specific” vision, DOSIsoft highlights the important work and latest innovation in its product portfolio to advance the field of Radiation Oncology & Nuclear Medicine:
1st dosimetry algorithm specially designed for online RT adaptive workflow
DOSIsoft revolutionizes its secondary dose check solution by adapting Collapsed Cone Convolution algorithm to the Elekta Unity MR-Linac and providing valuable TPS plan verification for each patient, each plan, and each day. The new product verifies independently the dose calculations performed by the Treatment Planning System (TPS) for all patient plans of the day and takes into account patient day-to-day changes before each treatment fraction. The solution handles automatically adapt-to-position and adapt-to-shape plans and is equipped with Linac ready-to-use beam model template to facilitate its commissioning.
Fast, simple and cost-effective pre-treatment dose verification
Facing with time constraints for pre-treatment verification carried out on Linacs, DOSIsoft provides a Patient QA platform “ThinkQA” based on the use of existing electronic portal imaging device (EPID), to decrease workload, due to complex & laborious traditional equipment set-up. Integrated naturally into radiotherapy workflow, the solution allows automatic and systematic pre-treatment beam controls so that the verification tasks can also be allocated to “non-expert” staff and be integrated into the daily planning of treatment machines.
Modern, integrated and informative 3D In Vivo Dosimetry (IVD)
“IVD is a radiation measurement that is acquired while the patient is being treated and contains information related to the absorbed dose in the patient. This definition implies that an IVD system must be able to capture errors due to equipment failure, errors in dose calculation, patient/applicator positioning errors, and patient anatomy changes.” [1] DOSIsoft offers a 3D EPID-based in vivo transit dosimetry tool: an ideal technique to check independently all RT fractions during the treatment course. It is accurate enough to detect machine, patient, and plan relevant errors, and the dose monitoring insights can be shared via its user-friendly web dashboard within the department. Clinically proven, providing also various statistics, the solution helps centre physicians to raise and standardize QA practices.
Voxel-based personalized dosimetry for SIRT & MRT
The recent European legislation mandates that MRT treatments should be planned according to the radiation doses delivered to individual patients, as is the case for EBRT. The directive also specifies that verification of the radiation doses delivered should be performed. DOSIsoft expands its leading position in patient-specific Theragnostics by extending the features of its PLANET® Dose solution dedicated to the new promising Radionuclide-based Cancer Therapies (90Y/177Lu/131I/166Ho). PLANET® (Molecular Imaging and Radiotherapy) software platform allows 3D personalized treatment planning and dosimetry to bring consistency and precision, optimize therapy for better tumor control and safety, as well as monitor patient treatment and improve traceability.
Application of AI-based technologies and texture analysis features
An emerging and promising field powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies like “Big Data Analysis” and “Machine Learning” is likely to change the landscape of radiotherapy and show new potential in the prognosis, improvement, and personalization of cancer therapies. Based on the principle of Radiomics – development of statistical models characterizing tumors at their molecular level, extracted automatically from multimodal patient medical images – DOSIsoft, with its PLANET® Onco solution, has the ambition to provide in the future additional tools to help physicists and physicians in their decision-making process based on patient-specific information. Complex treatments and sophisticated techniques drive the need for more QA checks and treatment verification that should be seamlessly implemented in clinical practice and easily performed by RT professionals.
Last year (2022), DOSIsoft reached 20 years of innovation. DOSIsoft will always be part of this major scientific and industrial revolution with its “patient-specific” dosimetry commitments to:
- put the cancer patients at the heart of its dosimetry-based software development,
- offer exclusive and distinctive features in patient diagnosis, treatment planning, dose computation, quality assurance and cancer disease follow-up,
- help Radiotherapy professionals deliver safe, quality & personalized cancer treatments.
References: [1] Olaciregui-Ruiz et al. In vivo dosimetry in external beam photon radiotherapy: Requirements and future directions for research, development, and clinical practice. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, Volume 15, 2020, 108-116
About DOSIsoft – Founded in 2002, DOSIsoft designs, develops & delivers patient-specific imaging & dosimetry software solutions in Radiation Oncology & Nuclear Medicine to improve cancer patient safety & treatment quality. 20 years of innovation and R&D investments have led to world leading software used in over 300 hospital centres in 60 countries. Spin-off between Gustave Roussy and Institut Curie, DOSIsoft constantly innovates in partnership with the major cancer institutes and research centres in the world. It is now recognized as a key player in the dosimetry market. www.dosisoft.com